I was thinking of this post (and this one) on Sunday myself while watching Ted working outside – and I guess Wink was too. He did some research and discovered that his wife, Tree, doesn’t agree with me. And he doesn’t either.
A while back, both Julie and Tania mentioned that they find it incredibly sexy when their husbands do the dishes. Seeing as many (most?) days Tree only touches dirty dishes while in the process of making them dirty, I figure I should be seeing a lot more action than I’m actually getting. What’s going wrong here? So I asked Tree “Do you think it’s sexy when I do the dishes?”
Wink hasn’t believed in the appeal of dish-washing ever since reading a Redbook article about it when they were dating. I don’t think it’s “manipulation” if it’s a genuine reaction. It might be manipulation if you read it in Redbook and think it is a magic recipe for “getting more action”. But every woman is entitled to her own opinions and turn-ons..;) Guess Wink will have to find something else to do now besides wearing dishwashing gloves: I don’t really know that I’m happy to have been proven right.. Given my track record with Tree, I won’t make any suggestions….
After I drafted this note, I saw that Enoch, Tania’s husband, has also written a response to Wink’s post. I think I’m wiser if I refrain from commenting on why Dishwashing may be sexy, but it’s still no fun…;)
3 responses so far ↓
1 enoch choi // May 25, 2004 at 8:21 am
awww… no witty retorts? it was meant in jest!
2 Julie Leung: Seedlings & Sprouts // May 26, 2004 at 8:29 am
Enoch was jesting
Enoch’s comment yesterday on my sexy dishes post clarified for me what he wrote. I am relieved! I was getting concerned. After all if “action” doesn’t motivate a man to do the dishes, then what does?! I thought I understood…
3 medmusings // May 26, 2004 at 11:26 pm
to do the dishes
Julie asks today what DOES it take to get you to do the dishes?! 🙂 as a retort to my jesting post responding to Julie’s and Wink’s. hmmm… what would motiviate a husband if not the ultimate motivator, in the words of one of my patients tonight: “gett…