Yesterday Enoch answered my dishwashing question with candor – here’s a snippet:
Lets see, in the grand scheme of things, being known in the Biblical sense of the word is probably one of the highest ranking motivators for most husbands… but in the balance of give-take of a relationship between 2 firstborns, it’s not always easy to make time for the mundane if you expect the other to help with it. It’s funny since I never shirk from doing the smelliest job here in the urgent care – fecal disimpaction, but i do shirk from washing dishes?!?!
I hope that your move goes well and that you’re able to learn to love each other and “to just get in there and get dirty” when cleaning up in the kitchen… more practice might be good…
Thanks Enoch for the blog ping-pong, and Wink for resurrecting the meme. Rod Kratchowill also described his talents (I’m impressed!)…
… but don’t you think we should stop dialoguing about all this, otherwise we won’t have time to do the dishes, or anything else…;)?
2 responses so far ↓
1 enoch choi // May 29, 2004 at 8:02 am
ok, i suppose so. but it was a fun meme while it lasted 😉
2 Julie Leung: Seedlings & Sprouts // May 31, 2004 at 11:15 pm
Grilling guys
Friday’s edition of NPR’s All Things Considered aired Gender at the Grill: Why Guys Do Most of the BBQing. Quotes from the clip include:(a woman’s voice)”Of all the women I know, no one enjoys grilling.”(a man’s voice) “My attention span’s…