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Grilling guys

May 31st, 2004 · 2 Comments

Friday’s edition of NPR’s All Things Considered aired Gender at the Grill: Why Guys Do Most of the BBQing. Quotes from the clip include:

  • (a woman’s voice)“Of all the women I know, no one enjoys grilling.”
  • (a man’s voice) “My attention span’s not that good when I’m grilling.”
  • (man’s voice) “It’s a guy thing.”
  • (woman’s voice) “It’s definitely a guy thing.”
  • tedgrill.jpgIn our house, the grill belongs to the guy of the family. Well, at least he’s the only one who uses it. However, I would like to learn how to BBQ and I don’t see any reason why women can’t do it. Learning how to use the grill goes in the list of things I should learn to do. In fact I think Ted did teach me but it was years ago, before kids…I think this whole “gender at the grill” idea is a bit silly – fluff for a holiday Friday(?!).

    But if Ted wants to grill, I’ll let him. I think he looks cute out there on the deck consulting the charcoal.

    I could elaborate on my attraction to a man who cooks our dinner over a fire, but further explanations would result – in part – in revisiting this meme…although I think Enoch wouldn’t mind…

    Tags: news

    2 responses so far ↓

    • 1 Katherine // May 31, 2004 at 11:40 pm

      David does all the BBQing at our place, too. I’m happy with that. 🙂 I have no doubt I could do it, I’m just not really interested in cooking in general, inside or out. Although I do like baking desserts.

    • 2 Kris Hasson-Jones // Jun 1, 2004 at 2:18 pm

      I do the grilling at our house–but then, I was single (between husbands) for a few years and pretty much learned to do everything I wanted to do during those years. And I stick to easy stuff: steaks, brats, flank steak. I bought a chimney (makes the coals catch fire quick!) and learned how to manage both direct and indirect heat. But I hate cleaning the grill and dumping the ashes!