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Wart update…

September 5th, 2003 · 2 Comments

Yeah, sure, nice topic to choose, just what ya wanna read….
well, I felt responsible to update this blog, in case any one cares – or if anyone out there is also suffering! – with the proper name of the medicine being used on our family’s warts…

Today I had to take Abigail back to the doctor. Not only did her wart not respond to the treatment last month, but it spawned another one, on her other foot! And this time I caught the name of this stuff that is not FDA-approved (ordered from Canada)…..So we went back for another application of Canthacur manufactured by Paladin Labs in Montreal. Canthacur is apparently one of their many products .

I requested more aggressive treatment and now we have a plan to use one or two other protocols also, alongside this one, since this Canthacur doesn’t seem to be creating a powerful enough immune response for Abigail’s feet. It is painless – although Abigail cried during the little amount of poking used today during the application – but we also need to take serious action now that the warts are reproducing like rabbits. With soccer, gymastics and swimming on the schedule this fall, we want her feet to be fully functional! We have a friend whose warts were removed after one application of this blister beetle extract, so for some, this may be the way to go. It took me three applications plus two freezes and other stuff, and looking at Abigail’s experience too, it seems that this Canthacur may not be for everyone’s feet: such are the mysterious ways of warts….

Tags: warts

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 enoch // Sep 10, 2003 at 11:55 am

    dunno anything about these herbal remedies, but have read excellent results from duct tape, which another MD blogger, Jacob, wrote about this

  • 2 Jean-Philippe // Apr 2, 2004 at 8:54 am

    HI, my name is Jean-Philippe, I live in montreal. I’ve been infected by a wart in the mouth (the mucosa of the lip) because I rubbed my lip after I accidentaly hit it on the handset of a public telephone last october 2003. I was afraid to catch herpes, but I caught a wart.

    I treated it with aspirin, garlic, etc. but only aspirin is effective in reducing the wart and avoid spreading.

    however, while there was no more visible wart after 4 months, i stopped applying aspirin and it spread outside on my face, near the lip because of the saliva and then I panicked, went to see a doctor in an emergency clinic near my home and he gave me a prescription to see a dermatologist. So until then i started to apply aspirin outside too and started to use multivitamins and minerals supplements and also Zinc 50 mg per day. And it seems more effective than aspirin cause zinc improves immune system function. the infection outside is going away, there remains only a little cyst in the mucosa of the inside lip. I will ask the dermatologist to extract or burn it when I will see her….

    It’s a very embarassing problem, since , I didn’t have oral sex in any way, I believe I don’t deserve that at all!

    Anyway, this is life, and I hope It will go away for sure someday……
