JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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Gave me a smile today

September 5th, 2004 · No Comments

  • Steven Noels’ self-description…including

    I think a lot, about all sorts of things. Not all deep thoughts, though.
    I can be pretty silent when doing all that thinking.

  • Katherine illustrated God’s perspective with beauty

    It struck me that God, the One outside of time, delights in creating ephemeral beauty such as delicate flower buds and petals. Here today and gone tomorrow, giving joy and lightening the heart with vivid encouragement.

  • NPR’s Fresh Air interview dialogue between Terri Gross and Norman Podhoretz on the political divide

    TG: Do you think James Carville and Mary Matalin should be giving us all lessons on how to get along?

    NP:…That marriage is a great mystery to me. How they get along, I really don’t know…

    [via Jon Udell]

  • BBC: New research suggests that buying organic food can make people feel better, even before they eat any of it.
  • the venerable girls’ publication Seventeen has added a faith section [via Rex Hammock]
  • Giant Boggle Game: I wanna play! – even our three-year-old likes to shake the cubes….
  • I think I found this poet’s blog either via Google or GeoURL. I knew Kelli Russell Agodon lived near me, but I didn’t know her story until I read this article in the Bremerton Sun. She also wrote an interesting post on why she blogs.
  • Dave Winer’s video of a waterfall (in British Columbia, no less!). Refreshing! Days like today, I should put this one on repeat…
  • Tags: blog