JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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Where I’ve been this weekend

October 3rd, 2004 · 1 Comment


Cavorting with puppets, a purple hippo and plenty of children, friends and family, all to celebrate Michaela’s and a friend’s fourth birthdays! (the girls were born on the same day, but had separate parties on Saturday)


Four years already since Ted and I caught the last boat off the island (at 1:30 am) and headed to Swedish hospital where Michaela would be born hours later.

Watching the children amazes me. It’s hard to find words without choosing cliches.

Abigail now wears all her hair back with a clip, her shaggy growing bangs away from her face. In her new winter wardrobe she seems taller and older. I hardly recognize her. She’s now reading and teaching her younger sisters. She also likes to cook recipes and asks how she can help me. Abigail has even offered me advice, counseling me not to get frustrated!

I hope I always remember Michaela at 3. She’s bubbly, funny and cuddly. Also creative and curious. For example, today she asked what fertilizer and grass seed are.

Abigail: What do you think grass seed grows?
Michaela: Grass
Abigail: So what do you think fertilizer is for?
Michaela: To keep it company!

One of the presents she received the other night was a cute fabric flower with a long thick stem. Michaela seems to think it is a baton. I overheard her tonight saying, “I want to play orchestra so I can be the conductor!”

Elisabeth may be the baby of the family but she’s not a baby. She’s wearing her toddler pants and acting very much the Big Girl. Except when she wants Mommy and Daddy to carry her somewhere. Her vocabulary is adding words each day. She says, “Uh-oh, Mama door” and puts words together. She also helps me and understands much more than she can say. At the puppet show, Elisabeth boldly hugged, kissed and touched the marionettes. She has no fears, or so it seems.

Each birthday that comes means fewer years left at home. I’m going to miss these kids. But we have plenty of years of fun still to come…

apologies for my lack of posts and emails….I was relishing my children while I can…

Tags: motherhood

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 jenny // Oct 5, 2004 at 1:43 pm

    Your thoughts on the girls are heartwarming:) Good for you – relishing your children — three cheers to you!!!