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Why I taught my children to write

October 16th, 2004 · 3 Comments

So they can leave me notes informing me of disasters in progress…


After going outside one morning, I came in to find this warning near my desk..

Hey, enoch…just wait until your kids can write! 🙂 By the way, I agree with you about the Pull-Ups velcro – a new feature. That product has changed in time…as I’ve discovered through three kids…and is responsible in part for the above notice…

Bonus: You know what stage of life you are in when you start to cuddle with your husband in the hallway while your children are otherwise occupied in the bathroom.

Okay, lest I be judged for having a “potty mouth” I’ll end this topic here….with one quick link to dooce who I’m sure would appreciate this subject matter (as always, she receives quite amusing comments…perhaps I should send Abigail to write one since she can spell the word…!)

Tags: family

3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 enoch choi // Oct 17, 2004 at 2:35 pm

    tania found a puddle in nally’s room yesterday, sans note. give nally a year, and i’m sure a note will be stuck to our nose when she “misses the potty”

    cuddling while they’re occupied… nally takes loooong baths. i suppose that’d be a good time 😉

  • 2 Julie // Oct 18, 2004 at 11:45 pm

    enoch – I hope that in a year, nally won’t be “missing the potty”! 🙂

  • 3 Tamara // Oct 21, 2004 at 8:52 pm

    Since we have boys there’s a bit more distance involved. Even if I found a note I’d still probably have to search the other side of the room.

    On the other hand, the perpetrator of poop in this house would still be in the bathroom washing his hands, brushing his teeth, or otherwise keeping busy until he was found. Then he doesn’t have to say anything.

    He only really wants to talk about it at the dinner table. And then only if he can find another word that rhymes with it to make a silly song.

    Ah, boys.