JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

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Smorgasboard supper: list of links from the last week

October 15th, 2004 · No Comments

Lisa Williams asked How do we know what we know is true? Trudy Schuett wanted to know Where is the Truth?…and Who’s Responsible for It?

Phil has been out greeting Nader and spending the day with THK in Seattle while Ladygoat volunteered at her alma mater and got to see scavenging behind the scenes at the VP debate last week.

Cats and baby sleeping in formation

Beautiful fish made of hubcaps

How poems find titles

At one point in time, Ted and I also owned a hole in the ground. Now we live in it. Pit or money pit or both?! I hope all goes well for you, Rayne, in the craziness of the building process!

As Ted noted in his list of IT Conversations we heard on our trip, Jonathan Schwartz wants to tag his kid with RFID. His pediatrician thought he was crazy, and so do Ted and I. Now the FDA has approved microchip implantation for help with patient identity and medical records information. I imagine he is happy with the news!

Mary Renee Smith via Chris O’Donnell

Why do we take children at the most self-conscious, awkward time of their lives and force them to get naked in front of one another? The only other time in your life you will have to shower with a group of strangers is in prison.

Where are the Women IT Kitchen wiki page by Shelley Powers includes a link to one opinion: some don’t want to argue. who – me?! I’d like to try to cook in the kitchen…if I could find the time….

Mike Whybark linked to Mt. St. Helens’s blog. Imagine what the volcano would say if it could write its own posts I’ve got so much going on inside me right now…!

World on Fire [via Yule Heibel]. What’s wrong with this video? Sarah McLachlan and company made a music video for $15 and donated the money that would have been spent on the video – the rest of the $150,000 – to other causes around the world which are documented in the video and here. After watching this clip, I wonder if I will ever view music videos the same. And I wonder how Sarah McLachan will ever make a standard music video again..

Ways to see the world: Ethan Zuckerman explains how inexpensive it is to import bottled water from Fiji.

Doesn’t it seem logical that bottled water from New England would be cheaper than that bottled water from halfway around the world?

It’s certainly what I thought. But hey, as so often happens, I’m completely wrong.

The difference between Canadians and Americans in conversation.

In the Canadian case, speaker and listener “weave” a conversation together out of lots of little speech acts. In the American case, it appears to be much more a “stand and deliver” model. As in, “I will talk until I am finished. Then you will talk till you are finished.”

I haven’t had enough experience conversing with Canadians to verify this by my own life. Hmmm, suddenly I think of two Canadian-American romantic relationships in the blogs…and I wonder whether they would confirm cultural differences…

More than white-knuckled fidelity is what Real Live Preacher desires.

I have a lot of respect for people who remain faithful to their marriages because of spiritual or other commitments, but I want more than a white-knuckled fidelity. I want Jeanene to love me, and I want to love her. I want this marriage to be emotionally satisfying for her, and I want that same emotional fulfillment for myself

This is a great post about the intensity of writing, relationship and making sure that you put time into your spouse, since that relationship is the one that will most likely suffer in busy seasons. I’m grateful that Ted and I now have the habit of checking in with each other every night after the girls go to bed. We don’t get away for special weekends often, but we do make the daily time for each other. It means that we don’t always get things done but at least we know we are communicating

Ted and I might have tried to compete for the title of cutest couple in the blogosphere….or at least we would have settled for cutest married couple in the blogosphere…but there’s no way we can compete with this ( so cute!)! 🙂 I wish we had been able to blog our engagement and wedding….as I said to Ted, we got married too young! Ah, but I wouldn’t have wanted to wait…even for a wedblog…

I’d be curious to hear some marriage advice from Betsy Devine and Frank Wilcek. Watching this video clip I learned that the Nobel Prize winner has a sense of humor, just like his wife! I can only imagine what it must be like in their home…based on the little glimpses Betsy has given…:-)

Anniversaries: Anita Rowland and Jack Bell celebrated their second anniversary with us at the meetup last week although none of us there knew it! Eric and Kathy Mack celebrate their 50th anniversary on this day every year….

C.K. Sample and his bride are getting married in 23 days!

Happy Birthday today to fellow islander and blogger Chip Gibbons !

I’ve been thinking of Doc Searls and Addison each in their accidents: get well soon!

Other life changes….Jeff Sandquist is keeping himself busy changing his job and his lifestyle. And Lenn Pryor and his wife are expecting their first child in March! Congrats to all!

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