JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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Music to someone’s ears

October 24th, 2004 · No Comments

The Seattle Times Saturday published a curious story: after 23 years a woman returned to U2’s Bono a briefcase of his items that she had found when she moved into her rental house in Tacoma back in 1981. Apparently it had been stolen at a concert in Portland in 1981. The article says that this woman forgot about it for years due to the needs of starting a family. Now I know that families take time. Starting a family can be distracting. I will attest to that. But 23 years to return a suitcase to Bono? Hey, I’d be on the phone in 23 minutes – make that 23 seconds- trying to call U2 and arrange delivery…

By the way, is anyone else experiencing music/band-related spam? The other day I received a comment on a post I wrote( a review of a book written by musicians) and now today I have received a personalized email – including specific details from my life and blog – promoting a certain band (a different band from an older post) and requesting my help with the p.r….I don’t write about music or bands that often and I am surprised by receiving two spam-type messages within two days. Is someone in the music biz hiring spammers? Or are these rabid fans having fun with Feedster? This kind of spam is more clever and courteous but still strange and annoying. I will choose which bands to promote and link to on this blog, thank you!

On a final note – ha! – I want to mention that if there is anything audio I want to promote at the moment, it is the lookANDsee blog. I found the mp3 while searching through categories at ipodder.org. Gordon Smith is Scottish and lives in Australia, where he takes lovely photographs and then records his thoughts and information behind the pictures. I think this is a great idea for audio in blogs and it adds another dimension to the already-rich images. I confess I have only listened to one of his podcasts, but I enjoyed it and learned a lot about the flowers, lizards and life in New South Wales. Ted and I have always wanted to travel to Australia – through this blog I can visit little bits…thanks, Gordon!

Tags: blog