Resources are limited this week and I could either spend my time tonight writing new posts or removing spam comments. I can’t keep up with these latest outslaughts. Some wars aren’t worth the battle. I’ve tried a number of deterrents and they seemed successful for a while but now some prolific spammer has discovered my blog. If anyone has any other ideas I’d be happy to know them. For now I’ll keep comments open and try to ignore the ugliness, searching for the jewels amidst the muck.
When I saw David Weinberger’s link today to Brian McWilliams book Spam King, I read quickly through the first chapter available on-line, hoping it would provide me with insight for the battle. It’s an interesting start but contains more psychology and history than practical strategy. Still I do wonder what motivates people to dump such anonymous spam into email boxes and blogs. I’d be curious to read more. But for now, I’m surrendering to the Spam King…at least for tonight…
2 responses so far ↓
1 Chris // Nov 2, 2004 at 5:32 am
I may have suggested this before – I don’t remember. Upgrade to a mySQL backed version of MT, and then install MTCLOSECOMMENTS to shut off comments after about 10 days. That will eliminate 99% of your comment spam.
You could also upgrade to the current version of MT and require registration for comments, although I suspect that will drastically reduce the number of comments you get.
2 jeffy // Nov 2, 2004 at 4:31 pm
Do you have MT-Blacklist ( installed? It’s really great. In addition to blocking comment spam it makes it really easy to delete the stuff once you find it.
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