JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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Scene from our home one night last week

November 21st, 2004 · 2 Comments

Thursday night was Ted’s first night at home in days so when he finished dinner first, turned on the living room fireplace and then lay down in front of it, I wanted to join him. We cuddled for a while before the fire alone, as the kids stayed at the table, finishing their meal.

Then Abigail came with the camera and decided to take pictures of Ted and me snuggling together. The flash in the face and digital lens in the eye affected the atmosphere. We tried to pull the blanket over our heads in a vain attempt to protect the romantic moment.

“At least I’m in control of what gets posted on their weblog,” I whispered to Ted.
“For now,” he replied.

Commotion in the dining room reminded me to look at the other two children. I pulled my head out of the blanket retreat and got a glimpse of our youngest, Elisabeth. She was turned around in her chair, staring at us, with her finger up her nose.


Wonder why people don’t have more children? Perhaps it is because they wish to preserve their romantic moments rather than having them interrupted by young inquisitive photographers and toddlers tasting their nasal contents.

Or maybe it is because women want to preserve their navel contents…or maybe just the shape of their stomach…

On a more serious note, Brett Levy posted Where Have All the Babies Gone? and I agreed with many of the reasons listed in his piece. Raising a large family in our culture is rare, expensive and inconvenient we have discovered…and we only have three children…

Fun note: the two bloggers linked from this post, the writers of Dad Talk and Inland Empress, are married to each other and parents too…great to read…

Tags: family

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Anne // Nov 22, 2004 at 7:44 am

    Thanks so much for the links! It’s nice “meeting” you here in the blogosphere.

  • 2 brettdl // Nov 22, 2004 at 10:32 am

    Thanks for the kind words. We just discovered your website a few days ago

    Only three huh? We’re still trying to get No. 2 to appear before we get too old. ;–)

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