Last week, along with the Muckleshoot salmon , I was planning to serve zucchini, harvested from the garden, and stir-fried with spices. However, when the girls and I picked the squash, once we took a good look at it, I realized we couldn’t eat it: someone else already had tried!
According to the statistics, “What deer eat” is one of the most -requested search key phrases that links to this weblog. Last month 12 people searched for those specific words. Type “what deer eat” into Google and on the first page appears my July entry Deer eat free . Apparently there are people out there who want to know what deer eat.
As I have written in the past, deer have eaten a variety of vegetables in my garden – from tomato branches to carrot tops to zucchini blossoms. But looking at the bite marks on the zucchini, only the second one we had harvested this year, I knew it was not a deer who made those marks….
…oh, no…..and just yesterday I got a better idea who has been eating in our little garden…I’ll write more about that adventure tomorrow 🙂
3 responses so far ↓
1 enoch // Oct 10, 2003 at 8:56 pm
who’s been eating?!? it’s tomorrow already 😉
2 Katherine // Oct 22, 2003 at 5:16 pm
I always thought it was “gadzooks” – I like your variation! I guess closer to “cukes” except it’s zucchini you’re talking about!
3 Katherine // Oct 22, 2003 at 5:17 pm
Oops, I meant to include in that last comment that I think it is totally cool that you are featured on a front page of google! 🙂 Congratulations – you get around!