JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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My first skate

December 31st, 2004 · No Comments


Today we took the girls to the Bremerton Ice Arena where we had fun as a family last year.
This time Elisabeth went on the ice too, wearing some of smallest skates in the place. She begged to be like her older sisters, saying “ice please” but when Ted took her for a spin, she didn’t seem ready to skate yet.


Abigail however started skating around the rink by herself. Conditions weren’t good for good pictures from our camera but here is evidence of her ability. Watching her skate by herself thrilled me, almost as much as watching her learn to walk years ago. I stood on the side of the rink, behind the plexiglass wall, taking care of the younger two, staring in awe at the older one as she went around and around alone.


Seeing someone you love do something he loves is a joy too. I like to watch Ted skate. With or without his children. I wish he could skate often. Now we realize how spoiled we were by the access to the university ice rink during the time we worked and lived near campus.

We’re tired tonight. Before we went skating, we went shopping and bought a washing machine, out of necessity. Although I didn’t skate, my legs are sore from carrying and holding kids. It was a long day but one that makes me want to snuggle and rest beneath warm blankets in bed grateful for the goodness I could see.

Tags: family