JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

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Correcting myself

February 26th, 2005 · No Comments


Correct yourself was one of Tim Bray’s points in his talk last weekend at Northern Voice ( live notes). Acknowledging mistakes is part of our humanity, a part, that, as Tim Bray pointed out, often doesn’t exist in other media or publications. I was glad to see his point and now I have a few corrections to post…

  • I’ve now been informed through a comment and email that the incident I referenced in Don’t try this at home was a joke and didn’t occur at the Northern Voice conference. I am relieved, but I will leave the post, with a few corrections, as is, because I think that parents (or others) might consider such an idea and try to discover blogs (and break trust) through these kinds of bribes.

    The post did generate great ideas in the comment section. pts asked how Ted and I will let our children go on the Internet. Probably as with money and cars, we will restrict them for a while and then let them learn how to handle the freedom before they leave home. Arjun pointed out that people need private, separate space. I had meant to say that the parent, in this situation, should accept that she might never know her daughter’s blog. Betsy Devine this morning compared the situation in this post, which she also didn’t like, with AKMA’s ability to get his kids to pick up good books and wonderedwhat the difference was, why she liked one but not the other. I think perhaps it has to do with the end goal. AKMA wanted his children to enjoy books and I think Betsy and I would both agree with that goal. He wanted to give his kids a gift. However, the parent who is giving gifts in order to discover her daughter’s blog is stealing from her children, taking their privacy and breaking trust.

  • In my post Why you should teach your children how to recognize wild animals I referred to a large cat on the loose near Los Angeles. The animal turned out to be a tiger which was killed Wednesday.
  • While describing those who played with our kids, I should have mentioned Travis Smith and Susannah Gardner. They both cuddled and entertained our daughters during the post-conference party. Susannah shared the personal blogging panel with me, and I’d read her writings before the conference. Travis’ blog I discovered this week. His column on Appropriate Holiday Feelings fits well with my emotional life themes. I wonder what is the appropriate feeling for correcting oneself?

    Now I need to try another of Tim’s suggestions…flame judiciously… which may lead to more correction posts…


    A general blog note: Due to excessive spam, I have had to turn off trackbacks. I am trying to respond to comments as I can but I may not be able to participate in the conversation as soon or as often as I would like.

  • Tags: northernvoice

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