JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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Waking with the sun

October 23rd, 2003 · No Comments

not a bad thing to do, but not the best thing to do this time of year when the sun rises much after seven….

But the other morning I was blessed to wake up late…as I got out the door to go around the block in my neighborhood, I saw the sky, pretty: blue with pink streaks. The wind was blowing fluffy clouds so fast I could see them float over the sunrise.

As I walked around the block, I could hear the high school marching band practice. We live a few blocks from the school and the sounds carry across the meadows, the drums and horns especially. It was a bit more motivating to move to the beat of the marching band music!

Jogging past damp plants, I learned with joy that even wet lavender smells sweet…

And as I came home again, I heard a loud croaking sound from our front porch. I had unplugged our water fountain, in preparation for putting it away soon. As I learned this summer, when Mr. Snake stopped by for swimming lessons (photo here) , an unplugged fountain is an invitation for visitors. This time it was a frog, not a tiny green tree frog, but a bigger leopard-type frog, green with spots. It stayed for about a day – fun for the girls to see – and is now gone…somewhere I hope, somewhere that is not a stomach….

…time to go to bed soon and discover what adventures will await me tomorrow morning when I step outside our door….

Tags: island