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No kiss review tonight

March 26th, 2005 · 1 Comment

Michael Hanscom earlier this week linked to Tony Pierce’s How to Blog, critiquing it point by point. It’s an interesting read, both Michael’s and Tony’s ideas. In point #22, Tony advised:

when in doubt review something. theres not enough reviews on blogs. review a movie you just saw, a tv show, a cd, a kiss you just got, a restaurant, a hike you just took, anything.

Hey, I thought while reading it this afternoon. I’ll review the kiss I’ll receive tonight when Ted comes home. Can you tell I’ve been looking forward to this moment after eight days of separation? But then Ted called me to tell me his flight was cancelled. My husband has to spend another night in a hotel in Virginia. I won’t be able to kiss him until lunchtime tomorrow. I’m disappointed – we all are – and this delay gives me more time to think…

No kiss review tonight. And no kiss review tomorrow either.
I’ve changed my mind: some things are too good to share. 😉

Tags: marriage

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Rae // Mar 26, 2005 at 9:33 am

    Heh 😀

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