JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

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Coulda been me…..

October 25th, 2003 · No Comments

Today’s front page Seattle Times headline Census reports record rate of childless females in U.S. hit me in my heart.

The article begins: “…Hare is among 26.7 million girls and women ages 15 to 44 who are childless, a record number, according to new Census Bureau data from a June 2002 survey. They represent nearly 44 percent of women in that age group.

The number of those 15 to 44 forgoing or putting off motherhood has grown nearly 10 percent since 1990, when roughly 24.3 million were in that class.

I know that I almost was childless myself. Growing up, I never planned on being a mother. After going through my own childhood, I didn’t want to have any children. I thought I would pour myself into an intense career. I’d let my work consume me and make my home in a hospital seeing patients. Besides, when I was sixteen, a doctor or two had told me I would have problems having children.

So the fact that I was able to conceive and carry three babies is a miracle. But this miracle is minor compared to the changes God did in my heart and soul to make me want to be a mother. In time, I went from resisting maternity and marriage to weeping over my infertility.

I know motherhood is not what every woman wants. Many have different plans, callings and desires than I do. I respect those who choose a childless life.

Only five years into this thing called motherhood, I’m grateful though for all God has given to me already. And I have to say I feel a bit sad for all the women missing out on all the little hugs and kisses.

Tags: motherhood