Scenes from the zoo

Pictures taken at Woodland Park Zoo.
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Anita noted that Chas Redmond has fun taking kids to the zoo! So today was Zoo day for my neighbor and her 2-year-old son. I volunteer to go on these outings because I can help dispel some of Henry’s (the 2-year-old) energy and bad sprits which any two-year-old can get. Looks like we were there a couple days after Chas and his neighbor were.
The girls, on a recent polar-explorers-kick, enjoyed Betsy Devine’s animated penguins going through airport security.
But I didn’t tell them about chlamydia killing penguins at the San Francisco zoo.
Tags: seattle
2 responses so far ↓
1 Claire // May 12, 2005 at 7:33 am
Great pictures! I especially love the last one!
2 Chas Redmond // May 12, 2005 at 9:18 pm
BTW, next time you’re heading for the zoo or Seattle Center (kids museum) or something like that – send me an email – I’ll conspire to meet you and family there. As you know my kids are 21 and 28 and I guess I never realized how little tykes can become a part of your life – which is to say I miss saying simple things in simple settings. Things (for two year olds, for instance) like “what color is that?”
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