JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

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Meme and Games Monday… starting with The Cube

May 30th, 2005 · No Comments

To compensate for the intensity of the past week, I thought I’d spend the weekend responding to some batons that have been awaiting my attention. The first one is

The Cube a fun game posted by amba who co-wrote two books on it, including this one.

Here are the questions. Add your answers to amba’s post and then click on her link there for the key to interpret your creative vision. It’s fun!

1.) Imagine a desert landscape. It’s very simple . . . horizon, sand, sky, whatever you see when you think of a desert.

2.) In this desert there is . . . a cube!

What does the cube look like? What’s it made of (if you know)? What color is it? How big? Is it sitting on the sand, or in some other position? How close or far away is it?

3.) In this desert there is also a ladder. Where is it (in relation to the cube)? What is it made of? What position is it in? Does it have many rungs? A few rungs?

4.) In this desert there now appears . . . a horse. Where is the horse? What color is it? What is it doing? Does it have on a saddle or bridle, or not?

5.) Now, somewhere in the desert there is a storm. What kind of storm is it? Where is it? And does it affect the cube, the ladder, the horse, or not?

6.) Finally, somewhere in the desert are flowers. Where are they (in relation to the cube, ladder, horse, storm)? What kind are they? Are they many or few? Scattered or clustered?

You’re welcome to post your resultant visions in the Comments. (I’ve never met anyone who couldn’t do this, even those who protest that they can’t visualize. Everybody sees something, and everybody sees something completely different.)

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