JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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Open Source Radio is in town

February 23rd, 2006 · 1 Comment

Just turned on KUOW and heard Robert Scoble and a Seattle food blogger talking with Chris Lydon of Open Source Radio on a show recorded in Seattle today. Chris said that he will be at Zeitgeist Coffee Shop 171 S. Jackson Street tomorrow from 6 to 7 pm (see this post). Wish I could be there! I admire Chris and wish I had met him when we were both at Bloggercon II two years ago. But I have met one of the people who works on Open Source Radio: she is a good friend of a good friend, and we were both at the wedding of our mutual friend many years ago.

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1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Buzz Bruggeman // Feb 24, 2006 at 9:37 am

    I thought the program was excellent too, and that Robert was great….

    I am on the road today or I would head over and meet Lydon. He’s a very bright and nice guy! I think I met him at Pop!Tech some years in the past!

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