You know that you’re in that season of life known as married-with-young-children when you spend your Saturday night caulking the kitchen sink. As I told Ted, though, I like working on projects together: that’s why I married him! Neither of us is that handy, but we have had a few bonding experiences involving bathrooms and paint and other inaugural homeowner experiments. I like it when we have a project we’re trying to complete as a couple. I like communicating through the problem and discovering the solution, what works and what doesn’t work. So tonight it was to clean out the groove between the sink and the countertop: peeling away filthy strings of three-year-old caulk and using vinegar and water to finish the process. My pedicure tool came in handy again, and we had fun talking about various topics. And hey, it can’t be too bad to spend Saturday night cleaning the kitchen sink, when you got to spend most of Friday seeing a movie together…..
Caulking the kitchen sink
December 27th, 2003 · No Comments
Tags: marriage