The temperature here in the Puget Sound region this week is around 20 degrees or so below average for this time of year. As I type it is 25 degrees outside, according to the thermometer on our back door. I know that’s not that cold in other parts of the country – would be regular for Rhode Island winter – but it’s almost extreme here. For an experiment, I told the girls to fill some containers with water and put them on the deck overnight. It’s not too often they get to make ice cubes without using the refrigerator!
Between holidays and snowy days though we are not getting out of the house much. The girls, Michaela especially, are like molecules heated in an enclosed space, bouncing around all over the place with lots of energy.
On the weekends I sometimes take one of the girls with me to the pool. But I figured it was too cold today; our hair would freeze on the way home! Yesterday we stayed inside after the girls resisted my suggestion of going for a walk.
But this morning the bouncing was becoming too much for me and I figured we could all use some fresh air. I got the girls and myself bundled up and we headed out for a walk around the block.
The sky was clear, blue, even sunny. But the temp still cold and the wind chilly. I kept coaxing the girls and we made it about half way around the block and then turned around.
Abigail and Michaela were too cold. And Baby Elisabeth in the stroller was pretty upset, crying loudly. Poor Baby. I tend to forget how cold kids get sitting in the stroller. It’s much warmer for those of us walking – our bodies get us going. But for Baby sitting in the stroller all she gets is more wind chill as I push her along.
By the time we arrived back home, after only twenty minutes outside or so, everyone was complaining and cold. I felt bad that I had forgotten mittens for Elisabeth. Actually I’m not sure I have mittens that would fit her well. Her hands needed a nice warm bath and everyone got some warm apple cider and then tomato soup at lunch.
About now I’m wishing for a warm summer day to come along so we could all go for a long walk and play at a playground or two. I’m trying to strategize how we can get some exercise this week, with the temperatures expected to stay low for at least a few days, and more chances of snow showers too. Maybe tomorrow, if we can, we’ll go to a giant grocery store and walk through all the aisles, do a treasure hunt searching for items or something…got to be creative somehow when the other options are bouncing around inside or becoming ice cubes outside….