JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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Super Bowl party at the pool

February 1st, 2004 · No Comments

While I will say that I am very happy for Patriot fans – since I almost became one myself during the years I lived in RI – it still wasn’t incentive enough for me to pay attention to the game.
Instead the girls and I went to the pool.

Here’s a list I created today:
Top Ten Reasons to Spend Super Bowl Sunday at the Pool

  1. You prefer the smell and taste of chlorine to that of sodium and soda.
  2. See men (and women) exerting themselves – carrying small children close to their chests, tossing, chasing and catching them.
  3. Experience what a locker room is like for yourself.
  4. You can see plenty of creativity – from swimsuits to tattoos to water games- and unlike the commercials, it didn’t cost millions to make.
  5. Be a cheerleader to your children – aquatic applause produces its own fun pompoms.
  6. No need to get up and stretch your legs during breaks.
  7. Instead of watching football players, you’d rather train like one, carrying two children while rushing through yards of water.
  8. It’s not whether you win or lose but how you spray and splash.
  9. You want to entertain your children and other people rather than having other people entertain your children (wrote this one before I read about today’s R rating!)
  10. Because the NFL Commissioner said “there are better things to do than playing football”.

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