After moving a flowerpot in our yard this morning, I discovered a frog hiding among the foliage. We captured it for a few minutes and then let it go.
When it was hopping around inside Abigail’s Bug Hut, I raced inside to grab the camera. I thought it would be a great opportunity for pictures, especially since the frog was not a common green one but instead an unusual gray color.
I poised the frog into Abigail’s hands, turned on the lens and prepared for the shot: low battery. I lost the picture. Abigail lost the frog. It hopped onto the driveway. I ran inside to find a spare battery, barging into Ted’s office while he was on the phone.
By the time I came back with a battery that functioned, the frog had hopped under our car: then and there I finally got a good shot of it.