JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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What we’ve got in common

April 21st, 2004 · No Comments

Before I left for BloggerCon, I had drafted a post titled “What Lisa Williams and I have in common”: we both would like to get chickens . I even included a link to the cute eglu the “world’s most stylish and innovative chicken house” from Lisa’s post. Time disappeared that day. I wasn’t able to post. I had to pack instead.

Little did I know, before I left, how much Lisa and I would have in common. I knew we were both moms with kids. We each have a blog. Our husbands blog. Oh, and yeah, we each would like to have chickens – and an eglu too…

What neither of us knew was that our husbands were at the same college at almost the same time. Lisa’s husband Evan worked at a company where Ted once interviewed and was offered a job. We wives are about the same age, and our geek husbands are older than us and close in age to each other too. The coffee mugs at their house tell tales…just as the ones at our home do…

I don’t mean to say that we’re identical twins or identical families by any means. But I was amazed to find out how much we do have in common. Besides blogging. And I believe, after this weekend spent together, we have more we share.

A big thank you to Lisa, Evan, Rowan and Joe for sharing house and home with me. Thank you for your hospitality and grace. Thanks for being mellow and generous. Thanks for putting up with me!

It’s amazing to me to discover how blogging brings us together. I met Lisa through Enoch, who met her at BloggerCon in October. The thread of relationship flows from face-to-face meetings to comments and linking. Of course, she and I already had things in common before we were bloggers. But it was blogging – and BloggerCon – that connected us.

When I think about what I have in common with other bloggers, I wonder if blogging is simply the top layer of what we share together. The ice breaker. The icing on the cake.


I think we both love RSS too…

Tags: blog