Kudos to Classical KING FM for their children’s programming on Saturday mornings! While Ted and Michaela go to gymnastics, the other two girls and I stay home and listen to the KING FM Saturday morning show, a.k.a. Classic KID FM music for kids.
One morning, a couple weeks ago, the theme was “Musical Postcards”: short pieces written by composers who had traveled to various countries, such as Cuba, China, Japan, England…. “Traveling with music is easy…comfortable…no heavy bags…no language barrier.”
Last week, it was a performance of Little Red Riding Hood. I didn’t remember the bagels, macadamia nut cookies and the Heimlich manuever that appeared in this modernized version, but the narrator’s accent reminded me of my own immigrant great-grandmother and added more character to the story. Abigail laughed about the cookies too.
Also I’ve heard “art time” where kids are explicitly encouraged to get out art supplies such as paper and pens, and illustrate what the music is speaking to them, color along with the melody. Abigail drew pictures inspired by the songs.
This morning we missed the radio program but I look forward to tuning in to it sometime soon so we can travel with music again…