JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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Summer Scrapbook

September 1st, 2003 · No Comments

Today is Labor Day, the unofficial end of summer. Time to put away the white shoes and shorts. Time to get ready to go back to school.

Well, at our home, we won’t be doing either of those: it’s too hot and we’re homeschooling.

But the other day we finally downloaded the camera and caught up on pictures – thought I’d try to share some and post my first small photos….
….so here’s a few images we’ll remember from this season…here’s a little summer scrapbook….

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Where we spent our summer vacation
the best time together we’ve had as a family of five
with a big THANK YOU to our friends for their cabin!


Michaela enjoying the cool mountain creek


Abigail’s “horsie cake” for her fifth birthday

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Mr. Snake’s swimming lessons


A glimpse of Abigail’s garden
see the cosmos ?

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