…into some other gardens: I’ve finally posted a blogroll.
At first, both Ted and I were reluctant to publish blogrolls. But a couple months ago, Ted posted some selections from his lengthy list. And as I realized how I had found other good writers and “parties” from reading blogrolls, I thought I should do my own. How Enoch described making the effort to share the wealth stuck in my mind months later, changing how I viewed blogrolls. I decided I would post mine after BloggerCon in April.
Life’s been busy and the days kept disappearing. Earlier this week, I realized I would simply have to decide to take the time, allot some hours one morning or evening, otherwise I’d keep procrastinating (dreading all the syntax!). Dean Esmay’s post yesterday was the nail in the coffin or straw on this camel’s back that motivated me to “just do it”. Late last night I was typing away and I pasted it into my template this afternoon (see lower left margin). Following Dean’s philosophy of more is better (and inspired by Anita Rowland’s variety), I decided to include a longer version of links. I didn’t include blogs that I have only recently started to read, but I put many of my favorites, ones that readers may recognize, as well as some others that I haven’t yet linked in a post. While I like to read a variety of blogs (not sure what all these bloggers would do if they were put in the same room together, say, at a real party at my house!), I think that at the moment my blogroll also reflects my interests in local bloggers and couples who blog (a total of 9 pairs in the roll, 5 of them local!). I included links to a Seattle weblog portal, and also to Feedster’s Feed of the Day, both great resources for finding more great blogs. In keeping with my “eclectic garden” theme, I hope that this list provides other fun gardens to enjoy, places and spaces that will give inspiration, laughs, information and maybe even some ideas, “starts” or “transplants” for others gardens.
In other blog news here, while I haven’t yet figured out how to restrict access to dangerous posts;), I did add the link to Technorati that tracks other links to that post. Although I have some concerns about centralization and about Technorati (I know that there are blogs it doesn’t seem to track well), I added this comment tracking feature because I want to promote conversation and dialogue as much as possible.
Due to some intense spam, earlier this week I closed comments on some older posts. At the moment Ted has figured out an easier technical solution, but should the spammers return, I may close all comments on posts older than a week or so. We shall see. I don’t want to close comments if I don’t have to do so and I’d be happy to receive email and post a comment that way too.
So, please, go take a hike…and see what others are cultivating and planting…then come back and see how these seedlings have grown:)
1 response so far ↓
1 MD // May 8, 2004 at 10:00 am
Thanks Julie. One of these days I’ll update my blogroll too!