JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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Comments on comments

May 18th, 2004 · 4 Comments

Someone told me that there are problems with posting comments to this blog. Is anyone else having problems? If so, please email me: harrowme AT yahoo.com
I’m sorry and I will try to see what I can do, if I can figure out what is wrong.

The comments on this blog have been fun, especially the past couple weeks. Thanks to everyone for taking the time to read and write. I want discussions and dialogues to happen here. I’m trying to spend more time replying to comments as I can.

I have noticed though that sometimes what I’ve written has upset others. I don’t want to upset people. I don’t like upsetting people. Especially friends! I think I may have gotten a bit careless and carefree, burning too much midnight oil too often, trying to squeeze in one more post during those precious quiet hours of productivity…

If I offend someone, I want to know. Please tell me. I want to be able to fix it if I can. I want to seek forgiveness if that’s what is needed. I want to try to clarify and communicate.

But maybe what others are seeing is me. Who I am. What I believe. We’re all free to disagree. And disagreements are part of life. Communication often involves conflict. Maybe what I am writing – and how others are responding – is revealing sides of me that I need to see. Not too pretty at times. Or maybe this is just what it means to be who I am, not pretending or putting on a show, but being me, warts, scars, birthmarks and all, and talking with whoever wants to talk. Maybe this is what conversation is. How community begins. What blogging is about.

Tags: blog

4 responses so far ↓

  • 1 enoch choi // May 18, 2004 at 12:46 am

    one thing that would help me keep up with your comments would be if you published a comment feed. or a combined post + comment feed. I’m still trying to get mine working but i’ve seen others’ work well.

  • 2 Julie // May 19, 2004 at 1:41 pm

    Test comment…

  • 3 enoch choi // May 20, 2004 at 9:27 am

    it works!!! yeah! now i can be alerted to read your replies to my comments which you post in your comments. If you find a combined post+comment feed template could you email me?

  • 4 Julie // May 21, 2004 at 7:38 am

    Okay, enoch, I’ll see what I can do…;)