JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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Entries Tagged as 'bloggercon'

Friday night fun at BCIII

November 13th, 2004 · No Comments

Thanks to Frank Paynter for this great photo of Renee Blodgett, Susan Mernit and me last Friday night (was that already a week ago?!) It was fun to see you too! [thanks to Jeneane for letting me know about Frank’s pics!]


Tags: bloggercon

BloggerCon connections…

November 11th, 2004 · No Comments

I enjoy discovering the person behind the posts and meeting bloggers face to face. It’s the reason why I go to BloggerCon. Here’s a list of some of the faces I saw and friends I made over the weekend…. Friday night’s dinner at Ming’s was a great time for me to see others I’d wanted […]


Tags: bloggercon

I am not responsible for these pictures

November 11th, 2004 · 1 Comment

Robert Scoble brought a box of Channel 9 guys like these. Somehow late on Saturday night these photos were taken and ended up in my camera… I guess you never know what a bunch of bloggers will think up, late on a Saturday night after BloggerCon….those creative minds at work…


Tags: bloggercon

Post-BloggerCon III dinner photos

November 11th, 2004 · No Comments

Saturday night at California Cafe in Palo Alto. Our topics of discussion for dinner were supposed to be living with non-bloggers and mobile-blogging (we combined tables) but I’m not sure our end of the table spent too much time discussing either of those… a bit nippy but fun!


Tags: bloggercon

Blogger Con III Emotional Life: who we were

November 11th, 2004 · 2 Comments

I wasa encouraged when someone suggested sharing our blog urls so we can find each other and continue the conversation. Looking at this white board reminds me of the way we were able to celebrate our individuality and also create community. Thanks to everyone! I hope we can continue our discussion by starting from my […]


Tags: bloggercon