JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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Entries Tagged as 'bloggercon'

More emotional life

December 10th, 2004 · No Comments

Claude Muncey posted his thoughts on the session:…a quiet spot as opposed to a high spot in the day…. (my apologies for not being organized enough to link to this post earlier!) Thanks, Claude, for coming! Mike Houser listened to the IT Conversations recording of the Emotional Life session and posted his comments:…an incredibly open […]


Tags: bloggercon

Emotional Life of Weblogs thoughts & IT Conversations mp3 link

December 4th, 2004 · 1 Comment

Doug Kaye at IT Conversations has posted the mp3 from the Emotional Life of Weblogs session at BloggerCon III. It was a small group, but through the recording, I hope many others can participate in the session and share the experience. Thanks again to everyone who came, and to Doug for all his work. Ted […]


Tags: bloggercon

If Billy Joel had been at BloggerCon

November 13th, 2004 · 3 Comments

I had an epiphany on my journey to Palo Alto last weekend. I confess I was a bit anxious about how I should lead the blogging conference’s session on emotional life. During my travel time I wanted to brainstorm and pin down the questions I would use to start the conversation. Thursday night, before I […]


Tags: bloggercon

How to bake a revolution

November 13th, 2004 · No Comments

On Sunday morning, after I learned my flight was delayed, I found inspiration on the Choi’s kitchen countertop and decided I should head to my favorite Chinese grocery store in Cupertino to pick up some treats for my daughters… Later I realized that I had now officially started a tradition. On the Sunday after BloggerCon […]


Tags: bloggercon · books

Emotional Life quotes and comments

November 13th, 2004 · 1 Comment

I thought I’d gather together here links and quotes from those who posted about the Emotional Life of Weblogs Session at BloggerCon III last weekend. Tonight I searched through the list of blogs from the white board and pasted below whatever I found…for my own records and to share with those who may be curious… […]


Tags: bloggercon