JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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Morning meditation

September 4th, 2003 · 1 Comment

It’s been a busy morning, a whole week of busy mornings from the get-go, from the moment I get and go out of the bed, after oversleeping my alarm. Long lists with lots to do. I haven’t been having my time in the mornings to pray, listen and meditate, as I like to do before the girls get up. I want to find the time for my spirit to spend solely with God because I really enjoy it. I find peace and direction for my day in my meditation and I also am feeling a bit guilty about my busyness, as if I’ve been ignoring God.

This morning as I was stirring together a batch of scones for breakfast, I asked God:
So what do You want to say to me today?

Immediately I sensed Him saying:
I love you Julie.

Oh. Wow. No guilt trip, no to-do list, just “I love you”.

I said it back to Him, sang it in my heart, breathed it as I walked briskly once around the block in the cool morning air:

I Love You!

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1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Katherine // Sep 10, 2003 at 2:05 am

    I have pleasant goose bumps and a smile after reading this (even at 2:04am! I mean, when else am I going to catch up on your blog?)