I sense a new trend in blogging: Blogging Wives leave Blogging Husbands to care for Children while traveling thousands of miles to attending Blogging Conferences. Or perhaps it is that Blogging Husbands offer to watch Children so that Blogging Wives can escape on an airplane for a weekend.
Hurray for Lisa’s Dear Husband and colleagues! I speak from personal experience when I say that these Blogging Husbands are capable and effective when caring for children alone by themselves for the weekend. My husband did an excellent job when I disappeared to Boston in April. He even started his own conference with multiple tracks. I imagine Evan will have great success as well. May the DaddyCons begin!
Of course it would be better if both spouses could attend the conference. I’d love to do that with my own Beloved Blogger…and I’ve started to imagine what fun could be had with such couples…How about a session describing the effect blogging has on romantic relationships? Linking and Love Life? The Two Blogger Problem? Bloggers in Love? Blogging (Banned) in the Bedroom?…I can’t come up with quite the right title…but I have a little list already of whom I’d invite for that panel…;-)
I think that there will have to be DaddyCons and MommyCons as a matter of necessity until the kids grow older and become either Bloggers themselves – hey, how about a whole family conference with workshops for kids! – or Adult Children of Bloggers …(or at least until other babysitters can be arranged!)
On a serious note – learning that Lisa is going to BlogOn this weekend makes me more sorry that I will miss it. I was already regretting that I couldn’t be there. But I’ll find a way sometime soon to see some Bay Area bloggers….
1 response so far ↓
1 Kris Hasson-Jones // Jul 21, 2004 at 11:10 am
I’ve been going to meet-ups of online friends for years, long before blogging. We all met first on Usenet! These friends predate my husband, and I go to “conferences” (we call them boinks) without him–he mostly doesn’t know these people.