JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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Internet radio: Voices of Bainbridge Island

July 25th, 2004 · 2 Comments

The other day Philippe Boucher stopped by my blog and left an intriguing invitation in a comment with his link. Monday afternoon the girls and I went downtown to meet him. I enjoyed talking to Philippe, who was interviewed in the Bremerton Sun this week. I’m excited to hear – literally – his vision for Internet radio. He started Voices of Bainbridge Island where he has posted MP3s of interviews from cyclists to council members, artists and storytellers. Here’s the description:

Voices of Bainbridge Island (VOBIS) is an adventure into sound and Internet. It is intended to bring verbal information of interest to the community of Bainbridge Island about ourselves, to share with the world what is Bainbridge and the words spoken by others in the world that are of interest to us.
Enjoy the Voice of Bainbridge.

VOBIS reminded me of the post I’d written, hoping to gather together voices from our community in cyberspace. I think this may work well for busy islanders who could listen to interviews while at home, work or commute. It’s an idea that is convenient and powerful: anyone can decide what, when and where to listen, and there is space to go beyond constraints other stations might have. I think a blog format with syndication and extensive categorization would be helpful for what Philippe would like to do.

While I haven’t listened to all the interviews, I’ve enjoyed the ones I have heard. He even interviewed me (see July 19). Talking to Philippe was fun and I relaxed. I laughed a lot. It was a casual conversation. It was connection. We have been discussing how the island could connect together and collect stories on-line. I’m anticipating seeing how his adventure into sound and Internet… and the community will grow…thanks, Philippe!

Please stop by if you can and take a listen or two to the refreshing sounds of Voices of Bainbridge. Anyone who would like to be involved may contact Philippe through the site.

Tags: island

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 The Binary Circumstance // Jul 29, 2004 at 9:41 pm

    Voices of Bainbridge Island

    Julie Leung points to a site called Voices of Bainbridge Island that features recorded events and interviews related to island life. Quoted from the “about” page: Voices of Bainbridge Island (VOBIS) is an adventure into sound and Internet. It is

  • 2 philippe // Jul 31, 2004 at 8:40 am

    Just to let you know that I refer to your nice testimony in the about us section of the voice of bainbridge site ans put up a link. Is that OK?
    Thank you. Have a good week-end!
    Abigail and Michaela can listen to the crow I recorded this morning!