JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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quotes of the week

October 24th, 2004 · No Comments

  • I looked at Sage and said, “Hey Sage. It really is okay to be nervous. I do think it is a good sign. That means you are thinking about things and that you take the marriage commitment very seriously.”‘ – Beth
  • I notice that one of the demands of life in Connecticut is a mastery of the lifestyle implications of the “S,” “E,” “C” distinctions in the Mercedes line. – Grant
  • ..there are huge regions of the world that will go to war rather than accept new gender roles for women. And we’re not having babies fast enough. -Scheherazade summarizing Poptech talks…
  • You might find yourself making Play-doh spaghetti one afternoon, and realize, to your astonishment, that you are happy. Why, you might even be validated. – Lileks via Laura
  • It has occurred to me…nothing could be more right than Gladwell’s suggestion that we are very bad at interpreting the contents of our own hearts. Hell, maybe we are just very bad. – Halley Suitt
    note: I agree that we are very bad at understanding our own hearts…but I’ve never dissected men with my girlfriends…

  • To build trust, it must be tested. And I suppose, I just have to stick my neck out and see what happens. – Joann
  • …That memory does not belong to the RIAA….- Dave Winer in an audio blog post. I missed transcribing the moments where he describes being a six year old in his bed listening to the radio and overhearing adults saying how cute he is!…it is cute!
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