JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

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Dancing across America

November 2nd, 2004 · No Comments


Earlier this fall, I ordered one of C-SPAN’s Electoral College Maps and due to some miscommunication, it arrived last week. However we still have time to enjoy it. Lacking a suitable space to display a poster of this size, we have placed it on the kitchen floor. where our two year old enjoys discoing across America (I’m sure John Perry Barlow would appreciate that!)

What has struck me most about the map, is the number of electoral votes per state. Excepting California and Texas, Washington with 11 votes has more than almost any other state West of the Mississippi. The population color-codes and previous electoral vote marker (red or blue from 2000 election) together create an interesting information picture.

I’m sure we’ll have fun filling it out tomorrow night…

In the meantime I have a ballot to fill out tonight…

Katherine wondered Will My Absentee Ballot Be Counted? and posted the results of her research.

I know it’s been said a few times…but please VOTE!

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