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Bathroom wall reading: tips for a safer flu season

November 18th, 2004 · 1 Comment

While visiting a hospital clinic in Seattle today, I was surprised to discover reading material taped to the tile wall beside the restroom toilet: tips for a safer flu season from Dr. Jeff Duchin, Chief of Epidemiology, Public Health in Seattle and King County.

I thought that the cutest point, so to speak was Learn to love alcohol-based hand gel…Carry little bottles with you…. Guess I need to buy more of those. I think I remember Enoch writing about hand sanitizer gel (but I can’t seem to find his post). How about the suggestion not to kiss others when sick? Or strategies for sneezing into the upper sleeve? Stay home is the best advice for sure.

This list made for fun bathroom reading and I hope it is a helpful reminder to others.


Tags: health

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