JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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A tree for Jim…and for everyone…

December 20th, 2004 · No Comments


In November, we planted a tree for my brother Jim in the Bainbridge Library’s memorial garden, dedicated to those who suffered from cancer.

Special thanks to Ann Lovejoy and the Friday Tidy crew at the library for all their work, care, compassion and understanding.

It’s a beautiful place, a strip of land between the parking lot and Madison, landscaped with several memorial trees, grasses and other plants in rich compost. I hope others enjoy Jim’s tree too, as they walk or drive past and admire the garden.


The tree planted beside his is an enchanting crabapple.


We also released balloons, one for each in our family. As I was trying to help my mom with the balloons and hold my hat, I lost track of one string, and the blue one went up into the air first, ahead of the rest. Blue was my brother’s favorite color.

Tags: jim

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