I’m hoping. Yesterday morning I sent an email to friends of ours who live in London. We haven’t yet heard from them. I’m hoping. I’m hoping they are okay. I’m assuming that if they weren’t, we would have heard something from someone in our common social network through email or phone call.
My heart has felt heavy and weighted these past few days. I’ve read blogposts until I don’t feel I can read any more. I’ve prayed. My condolences and sympathy to all who have been hurt, to all who have lost someone, to the friends, families and residents of London who are grieving, to the British and the world.
I’m grateful Euan, Koan, Jean, Lenn, Suw and others are okay. And I’m grateful for the reminder of love and life.
Euan posted Jamie Cason’s thoughts:
My son, Alfie, was bawling for me not to leave this morning. Not to get the train to Liverpool Street. I decided to get a later train. To stay and comfort him awhile. Knowing that the BBC could spare 20 minutes for me to give my boy a cuddle and play cars. If not for that delay, I would have been there at the time; not on that train, that line, but close enough to feel the reverberations through the station. It’s a sharp poke in the chest. Don’t take any of this for granted. Don’t part from those you love on a cross word. The next chance to say “I love you” can be snatched away in an thoughtless instant. Always remember to ask yourself “Did *you* give the world some love today?”
Why do I post this today? Because of all of us who were affected by yesterday, however peripherally, may leap to focus on the horror of the day. But I believe that moments of beauty will also occur as a result; even if they are not apparent until much later. I hope so.
I’m hoping too. Now it’s time for me to go and give the world some love today. Or at least the three wee ones who will soon be tumbling downstairs for breakfast and hugs.
Yes, it’s taken me a while to write this post. This piece has suffered from technical and emotional difficulties. I didn’t know what to say. I struggled with words. I had written more but I think this will suffice for now. Blessings, hope and peace to all.
7 responses so far ↓
1 Koan Bremner // Jul 9, 2005 at 7:48 am
Thinking about it, I’ve already experienced one of those moments of beauty. By Friday morning, among the emails I had received from people around the world, were 73 from people whom I have never met, asking if I was OK. Some of those names were familiar to me; either bloggers or podcasters I read or listen to, or people who have commented or emailed me in the past. Many were from people I have never heard of or from, but who feel some connection with me because of something I’ve written or recorded in the past.
And I think that *that* is why terrorists will ultimately fail; because it is in the nature of most of us to make connections with others, not seek to enforce divisions between us.
Thank you for your words of concern, Julie; even if they were difficult to write, they mean so much. And my especial thanks for bringing Jamie Cason’s words to my attention; so beautiful, and so potent.
2 Kirsten // Jul 9, 2005 at 10:40 am
I found this image from Covent Garden to be incredibly comforting:
People have such a capacity to open up in a crisis. It’s a shame that it takes a crisis for us to truly realize it.
3 Jean // Jul 9, 2005 at 1:46 pm
Julie, I hope your friends are fine. Thank you for your lovely words on my blog. My little bit of the blogosphere has felt like somewhere I’m very glad to be this week.
4 Jean // Jul 9, 2005 at 1:47 pm
Julie, I hope your friends are fine. Thank you for your lovely words on my blog. My little bit of the blogosphere has felt like somewhere I’m very glad to be this week.
5 Jean // Jul 9, 2005 at 1:47 pm
Julie, I hope your friends are fine. Thank you for your lovely words on my blog. My little bit of the blogosphere has felt like somewhere I’m very glad to be this week.
6 Jean // Jul 9, 2005 at 1:47 pm
Julie, I hope your friends are fine. Thank you for your lovely words on my blog. My little bit of the blogosphere has felt like somewhere I’m very glad to be this week.
7 Jean // Jul 9, 2005 at 1:48 pm
oh dear, I seem to have pressed the ‘post’ button too hard!
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