At the end of June, the Blogher organizers asked me to write a bio for the conference. I’ve been reluctant in the past to write a post that attempts to explain who I am. I think I prefer for people to discover my identity through reading my writing rather than my resume. But perhaps it is time to publish a brief bio on this blog, describing a bit about myself for those want to know who is writing this stuff. The paragraphs below reflect the fact that I was writing soon after Gnomedex. That conference helped me see other sides of myself yet I feel I am always changing and growing. I plan to update this as time passes. I also switched pronouns from third person to first person. It seemed strange to publish something in third person on my blog. Then again the first person seems a bit strange too. I’ve changed this version from the Blogher one in a few ways. Here is one version of who I am. Now I just need a picture I like to accompany it!
A native of the Pacific Northwest, I live on an island near Seattle, where my husband Ted and I homeschool our three children. I see myself as a storyteller, using technology to create community and establish relationships. Communication and education excite me. A published short story writer, I remember making my own books from construction paper and crayons at an early age. Now I enjoy writing and speaking opportunities that start conversations and invite interaction.
In July 2003 I began my blog, Seedlings and Sprouts. I led the Emotional Life of Weblogs session at BloggerCon III (mp3 available on IT Conversations). A newspaper story describing bloggers featured our family. In my presentations at Northern Voice in February 2005 and at Gnomedex 5.0 this June (mp3 available) on “Blogging As Social Tool” I described the masks we make and the ways we connect as we create identity and draw the line between our public and private selves.
Before motherhood, I studied nonprofit management and helped homeless and hungry residents of Silicon Valley. After completing my college degree in biochemistry, I assisted in an immunology laboratory and explored how stress affected the response to viral infection. I also trained to be a high school science teacher, using creativity and hands-on illustrations to engage and encourage students. My eclectic posts reflect my range of life experience, as well as my interests and family. In addition to writing and speaking, I enjoy reading, running, gardening, photography, cooking, sharing, throwing parties and playing with my neighbors, friends, husband and children.
3 responses so far ↓
1 jeffy // Jul 18, 2005 at 3:05 pm
Nice Bio! You might want to fix the typo in the name of your blog, though. And should “lead” be “led” in the next sentence? (feel free to nuke this comment if you want to cover your tracks 🙂
2 Tim Riley Esq. // Oct 28, 2005 at 11:50 am
Love yyour blog, would like to send you a copy of my book, FEVER, as an introduction for consideration on one of your SXSW panels…
podcast riley
“Riley is at his very best.”
–The New York Observer
In Fever, music critic Tim Riley argues that while political and athletic
role models have let us down, rock and roll has provided enduring role
models for men and women. From Elvis Presley to Tina Turner to Bruce
Springsteen to Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, Riley makes a persuasive case
that rock and roll, far from the corrosive force that conservative critics
make it out to be, has instead been a positive influence in people’s lives,
laying out gender-defying role models far more enduringly than movies, TV or
“real life”.
“Tim Riley’s Fever combines brainy and audacious cultural analysis with
genuine musical understanding — a combination rare enough to inspire
–Tim Page, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Tim Page on Music
“In his new book, Fever, Tim Riley goes beyond his unique fusion of
technical music knowledge and stunningly perceptive emotional exegesis of
lyrics to a wider-angle social vision.”
–Ron Rosenbaum, The New York Observer
“Fever is a fascinating look at the ways rock has shaped how we think about
sexual identity….Riley presents serious academic points within a
rock-critic analysis of icons that even a layperson would appreciate….
Witty, acerbic, and smart.”
–Charles R. Cross, author of Heavier Than Heaven
Tim Riley is the author of Tell Me Why, Hard Rain and Madonna: Illustrated.
His commentary on pop culture has appeared in Slate, The Washington Post,
Boston magazine, The Boston Phoenix, Salon and Feed. He is currently
the pop critic for NPR’s Here and Now. He’s at work on a major new biography
of John Lennon for W.W. Norton.
NPR appearances:
Wisconsin Public Radio
Here and Now
On Point
for review copies, call:
for review copies, call:
David SaintÂÂ
Katie Monaghan
3 Sharlene // Aug 26, 2006 at 10:21 am
I just found your blog — by accident actually — and have since enjoyed browsing around reading your thoughts. I feel like I found a kindred spirit and a real gem of a site.
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