JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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I’m mad!

January 11th, 2004 · 2 Comments

I returned to my desk, after watching an amazing skating competition tonight, and I discovered, much to my amazement, shock and horror, that I had received 40 comment spam. I felt frustrated and mad: I do have MT-Blacklist, but spam is still being posted as comments to this blog. This is the worst deluge I’ve encountered so far…I posted a few days ago about nasty spam but this takes the cake at this point…Gollum would be beside himself (he’s a pretty cute Gollum I have to say..:-).)

I had been thinking about retiring early for the night or I had some ideas for some light posts to write before bedtime, but instead I spent the time deleting all that yucky (identical) spam. So I consoled myself with a cup of intriguing blueberry tea, and remembering Michelle Kwan’s intense competitive grimace, I forged forward, persevering in my deleting. It’s not as glorious or grandiose as winning a national championship, but keeping my blog clean is a valid victory nonetheless. Especially since my blog page has a list of most recent comments, I wanted to get rid of them all as soon as possible!

I do appreciate comments on this blog but in light of recent spam dilemmas, I’ve decided to make some changes to the comments. Tonight I turned off html and url linking inside comments. I also closed many of the comments that had received the spam. Could I hack well enough, I’d create some code that would do as Anita had suggested to me a while back: close comments on older entries, after the posts come off my page, after a week or so. I am hoping that these two measures will help prevent another flood of unwanted casino comments. I apologize if this affects any comments you write to me.

As always, open to any suggestions or advice…..please do send me a comment 🙂

Tags: blog

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Julie // Jan 11, 2004 at 12:28 am

    making a test comment to myself….

  • 2 enoch // Jan 11, 2004 at 12:50 am

    i finally installed MT-blacklist last week, and only a few get through… sorry you wasted so much time having to do that