Ted’s away on jury duty this week – he actually was chosen to be on a jury (see his blog ) – so we are dining without Daddy at lunch. This is a world we once walked in daily, but now only on occasion. We are a bit rusty at this commuting lifestyle. But it lends itself to some new opportunities. Like lunch yesterday. Since Ted wasn’t home for lunch, we ate his favorite foods: potatoes and cantelope (grateful, aren’t you, my love:)) With lots of milk to chase it all down as well – my husband is lactose-intolerant so often when he is away from home, we eat pizza, macaroni and cheese or milkshakes. The girls and I sometimes seize the opportunity to overdose on dairy: we’ll even have milkshakes AND pizza. Yesterday though it was simpler fare: taters – baked as fries – with tarter sauce and ketchup – and chunks of cantelope. The girls – all 3, even baby – enjoyed it, simple as it was, and so did I!
Years ago, I had a friend who would make waffles for dinner whenever her husband was away. I didn’t understand why she would cook differently when the diners were just her kids. I wondered why she didn’t cook the way she did every night: husband home or not. But this was in my B.C. days – before children – before husband even, and now I am not so naive. Now I plead guilty myself.