Ted had difficulty today with one of his contacts so after lunch he switched into his glasses, a rare sight. Looking at him with his lenses reminded me of when he was younger, not that I knew him then, but I’ve seen pictures of him in college. Before he got contacts. Cute.
So I tried to tell him how I think his glasses make him look younger. Of course, Ted had a nice comeback to that compliment…
I dunno why but today I’m finding I really like him in his glasses. Maybe I’ve finally become a geeky girl. Or I guess I’ve really fallen for this geeky guy with glasses.
They say love is blind. Or maybe it’s just myopic. 😉
1 response so far ↓
1 Katherine // Feb 5, 2004 at 2:38 pm
I was really expecting to see a photo with this post!!! 😉