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Blogs as witness

April 26th, 2004 · 2 Comments

I was glad I got to meet Jim Moore at BloggerCon. During the session with John Perry Barlow, I liked what he shared about blogging requiring courage.

The other day he wrote a piece on Blogs as witness that I also like. He described witness:

Witness is one of the fundamental categories of experience: Witness in history. The role of witness in ancient spiritual communities. Witness and prophets. Witness in crisis. Witness in everyday life.

Blogs are about witness.

He asked “How can we better witness?”

In answer to his own question and as a response to the Blogging the World session we both attended, Jim Moore has been posting about the genocide in Sudan including More on using blogs and the net to stop a genocide in progress where he linked to Joanne Cipolla Moore’s Passion of the Present.

The fact that millions of people have been inspired to buy a ticket and witness “The Passion of the Christ” is especially poignant in the shadow of an immediate tragedy facing our collective human soul: The Passion of the Present, playing now, in Sudan. Imagine a militia that forces parents to choose whether their children shall be burned alive or shot to death. Imagine that in the very same month the world remembers the genocides of Cambodia and Rwanda, the unfolding news of another in Sudan is barely heard and largely ignored.

Update: Although Jim Moore is on my blogroll, I must credit Betsy Devine for highlighting his posts for me: I read hers first and then went to his blog afterwards…

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2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Daisy // Apr 27, 2004 at 5:23 am

    I really liked meeting Jim and reading his post on “witnessing” too. I don’t like that he doesn’t have a comment feature though. I feel like he always has good stuff i want to praise!

  • 2 Jim Moore's cybernetics, politics, emergence, etc. // May 1, 2004 at 6:56 am


    Sudan: The Passion of the Present is a site dedicated to raising realtime awareness of the current genocide being committed on people in Sudan, providing news updates through links to AllAfrica and others, and encouraging contributions to human rights and