Abigail and I have tested a number of experiments for kids I’ve found on the web. One that looked interesting involved chewing Wintergreen Life Savers and seeing the spark they generate. At that time Abigail was still a bit scared of the dark, and I somehow convinced her to sit in a small windowless bathroom with me, lights off, door shut, and chew a candy. We glanced at each other through the dark, hoping to experience sparks. We didn’t see it.
But Chan Eddy at Weekend Pundit linked to The Union Leader article Merrimack teachers capture Life Savers spark on film complete with picture!
1 response so far ↓
1 Katherine // Apr 28, 2004 at 5:29 pm
We got this to work at a science camp out in the forest at nighttime, after a tall tale about how it was a piece of luminescent meteorite that had landed out there. The sparks were cool.