JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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How the mind works…

November 13th, 2003 · No Comments

I don’t think I’ve ever said anything to Abigail about “photographic memory” but this is what she’s been saying recently….

Abigail: I have film in my head that takes pictures of words.
I have a special kind of film that doesn’t run out….
I take pictures with my eyes….
I have pictures in my head….

If she can’t remember something, she says “that picture is in my leg…” (instead of her mind, I guess). Ran out of storage space, I guess. Today when I showed her how I download pictures from the digital camera, I showed her the disk and said, “this is where the camera stores pictures” – she seemed to understand.

Michaela’s been having fun with this phrase: My mind told me that I changed my mind!
She laughs and laughs when she says it.

How the mind works, according to a five year old and a three year old….

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